CCSF hosted the second forum of the new Coke Scholars Real Talk series, titled Antiracism and Allyship in the Workplace.
CCSF president Jane Hale Hopkins hosted a Q&A with Joelle Murchison (1991), Founder and Principal of Exec Mommy Group, about how to navigate uncomfortable conversations around race, diversity, and inclusion in professional and personal relationships and how to begin the journey of change within an organization.
The Real Talk series is designed to share our collective experiences from varied points of view. Though the conversations may be challenging the goal is the same, to better understand one another.
Virtual #CokeScholarsPro Classes
Led by Coke Scholars for Coke Scholars
Coke Scholars Book Club
Iman Cooper (2011) led a book study for Coke Scholars on The Other Wes Moore by Wes Moore.
CCSF hit the road last September, visiting Coke Scholars in Boston, New Haven, Princeton, Philadelphia, and Chicago, connecting with over 225 Scholars!