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June 2024 Connections

Coke Scholar Receptions Across the Country

CCSF hosted receptions with Scholars in Portland; Seattle; and Washington, DC.

Seattle Scholars gathered at the beautiful home of Deanna and Jason Pate (2005).
Portland Scholars were hosted on the top floor of the beautiful Serena Williams building at Nike World Headquarters thanks to Jorge Casimiro (1994) and Rosalyn Kennedy (1997).
Washington, DC, Scholars gathered at The Coca-Cola Company’s Government Affairs office and heard from Jake Sullivan (1994), US National Security Advisor. Many thanks to Jim McGreevey and his team at the DC office for hosting us in their beautiful space.

Coke Scholar Pro Virtual Classes

Coke Scholars explored AI’s revolutionary impact on industries like healthcare, finance, retail, transportation, and entertainment in a virtual session, “AI’s Transformative Impact on Real Life Products and Services.”

Will Schultz (1994), Victor Lopez (2009), Laalitya Acharya (2021), Charles Twardy (1989), and Sudha Meghan (2006) discussed practical applications, ethical considerations, legal implications, and future challenges related to AI technologies and answered questions from attendees.

Coke Breaks

Scholars are virtually sharing a Coke from around the world during summer “Coke Breaks,” like Talia Fradkin (2016) and Marlena Dobbs (2009) pictured below. Signups for Coke Breaks opens every 3 months and the next opportunity will be in September.

Coke Scholar Meet Ups

Celia Zhang (2009) and Ellie Kirke (2003) discussed their careers in the senior care industry in NYC.
Linda Zambrano (2012) and Johana Oviedo (2004) are OB/GYN physicians at the same hospital in NYC and recently discovered they were both Coke Scholars! Johana is an attending and Linda is currently a first year resident.

“We reminisced about the incredible experience we both had in Atlanta and how grateful we are to be Coke Scholars,” Johana wrote.
Karyn Harrington invited fellow 1997 Scholar Daron K. Roberts to speak at the Coca-Cola Africa OU meeting in Mauritius. Karyn is Vice President, Public Affairs, Communication & Sustainability for The Coca-Cola Company’s Africa Operating Unit.