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August 2024 Connections

Coke Scholars Coach Training

14 Coke Scholars from previous years came to Atlanta to train with the Center for Creative Leadership to serve as the 9th cohort of coaches for 2024 Coke Scholars as they begin college.

Many thanks to Brennen Feder (2017), Tina Hoang-To (2001), Rosita Najmi (2000), Natalie Neumann (2005), Aalaa Abuzaakouk (2002), Rebecca Darr (1992), Marc Paulo Guzman (2006), Samantha Miller (2004), Heather O’Dell (1997), Jacqueline Roman (2015), Vivian Kelly (2005), Jaselyn Williams (1999), Bryan Nails (2004), and Tracy Adams (1990) for joining us as new coaches!

Learn more about the Coke Scholars Coaching Program and see more photos from training.

Building Bridges Workshop

Juliana Tafur (2003), Bridging Differences Program Director of The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, led the first of 4 workshops in a new series, The Science Behind Building Bridges, where Scholars explored the art and science of connecting people across diverse perspectives and backgrounds.

Coke Scholar Meet Ups

Gabriel Nagel (2023) found Luis Torres (2001) in Coke Scholars Connect, wanted to learn more about his company, Earth Justice, and immediately arranged to meet him in DC.
Karyn Harrington (1997) and her family ran into David Akinin (2008) in Johannesburg.
Ali Hartman (2001, middle) was on a ferry in NYC with her family and met four 2024 Scholars – Clark Easley, Rohan Ramprasad, Suraj Reddy, and Bahar Djour – after her husband found out that they were friends because they were all Coke Scholars! They took this photo together and then Ali sent them money for pizza and Coke so they could continue connecting over a meal.
David Buckholtz (1993) and his family ran into Jolene Loetscher (1997) and her family at a hotel in Munich, Germany.
Krish Shah (2021) and Anika Gupta (2021) met in Chicago for dinner and the  Grant Park Music Festival.
Jane Hopkins and Kyle Walcott from the CCSF team toured a bottling facility with Kirk Tyler (CCSF Board Chair & Chair of Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling) in Des Moines, Iowa.
Adom Appiah (2022) and Lorenzo Daniel (2017) met up in Paris for the Olympics.
Courtney Lynn (1996) met up with several Scholars in France and Italy this summer, including
Kevin Shen (2000) and Julia Durham Goehring (2010)…
Jeremy O’Brien (2012), Joy Sparrowhawk (2000), and Ben Nicol (1999)…
Joy Sparrowhawk (2000) again and Ro Catalano Flury (1990)!
Angela Harrell (1991), Liz Howell (1996), TJ Abrams (2001), Lesley Wainwright (1994), Carrie Regan (1989), and Samuel Wakefield (2001, not pictured) celebrated friend and former CCSF staff member Ryan Rodriguez, who is expecting a baby soon!
Carolyn Norton (CCSF) caught up with Albert Lawrence (2003) while he was in Atlanta for work.
Eric Armbrecht (1991) felt the connection to his Scholars family when he saw this Coca-Cola truck in Omaha, NE!